Description: At 115 acres it is the largest tract of environmentally undisturbed land on Lemon Bay. The Lemon Bay Conservancy was instrumental in the purchase by Charlotte County in 1992. The property is bounded by water on three sides. Oyster creek to south, Angier (Rock) Creek to north, and Lemon Bay Aquatic Preserve to the west. The park is managed by Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center, Inc.
Vegetation Communities: Mangrove forest, salt marsh, pine flatlands, oak scrub, and costal strand.
Location: 2300 Placida Road C. R. 775. Across from Lemon Bay High School.
Amenities: 4.5 miles of volunteer built and maintained hiking trails. Note: Some trails are closed seasonally to protect nesting Bald Eagles. Included is a spacious visitor center with environmental displays and free educational material. The property also has rest rooms and information kiosks. Numerous environmental programs and activities for all ages of participants are conducted throughout the year. Weekly guided nature walks, and monthly Sea grass Wading Adventures are featured.
Birding by Kayak: Cedar Point has great birding by kayak opportunities. Lots of shallow water and sandy beach areas for wading birds as well as excellent woodland areas. To kayak Cedar Point use the Oyster Creek launch area which is just east of the park and south of the Lemon Bay High athletic fields, off of Placida Road. The Ainger Creek county boat ramp is another launch site and is located less than a mile north of the park entrance.
Animal Species:
Birds that you may encounter year-round include: Brown Pelican Killdeer Willet Blue Jay Red-bellied Woodpecker Mockingbird Great Egret Double-crested Cormorant Little Blue Heron Snowy Egret Mourning Dove Rufus-sided Towhee Pine Warbler Cardinal Great Blue Heron Pileated Woodpecker Bobwhite Quail Bald Eagle
Migrants that you may see: Gray Catbird American Kestrel Palm Warbler Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Yellow-rumped arbler Belted Kingfisher Eastern Phoebe Sharp-shinned Hawk Tree Swallow
Documented Mammals: Bobcat Hispid Cotton Rat Virginia Opossum Raccoon Gray Fox Marsh RabbitBatsGray FoxRiver OtterDolphin and manatee can be found in the waters adjacent to the park
Documented Herps: Black Racer Brown Anole Eastern Diamondback Gopher Tortoise Red Rat Snake Five- lined Skink