Corkscrew Swamp is always a great place to visit. The boardwalk is 1.5 miles long and easy to walk through to enjoy the sights and sounds of the swamp.
We should be able to see the Painted Buntings and maybe an Ovenbird. We’ll be looking for overwintering warblers and the usual birds of the sanctuary.
We will meet at 7 AM and carpool from the south meeting place at Public’s parking lot, located at 41 & Burnt Store Road. The park is 75 miles away and takes about 1.5 hours to get there. The entrance fee is $14.00 per person and $10.00 for National Audubon members. Bring a lunch and we will eat on the Nature Center’s porch or in the picnic area.
For information call Dave Lancaster 586-214-0203
For more information on Corkscrew Swamp visit
