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Please join the Peace River Audubon Society for a kayaking trip up Myrtle Slough to its headwaters on Saturday, May 21st. Myrtle Slough is a tidal creek off of the Peace River on Washington Road in Punta Gorda. The trip is about 3-4 miles up to a man made lake of 3-5 acres dug for road base, and is said to be about 18′ deep. It lies on private property which has been abandoned. Exiting the kayaks is possible on a steep bank adjacent to this property. The creek meanders through a lightly developed area for about a half mile and then begins to narrow down and becomes quite torturous. From then on it is quite primitive without further development. As it approaches the headwaters, it is quite narrow, requiring sharp turns occasionally. As it is tidal, there will be some current one way or the other depending on the downstream tides. The trip is free and open to the general public. We will meet at the main entrance to Hathaway Park (where the motor boat launch is) at 7:30 AM, as there are no facilities on Myrtle Slough. From here we will motor to a private residence adjacent to Myrtle Slough and put in there. We hope to return by 12 noon – 1 PM. The creek is shaded about 50% of the way. Please bring your own kayaks, lunch, life preservers, sunscreen, hat, etc. We will return to Hathaway Park for lunch and use of the facilities there. Cell phones will be helpful to stay in touch if need be. Please respond to Mike Krzyzkowski, the trip leader, at 863-244-2652 if you wish to attend.  See you at Hathaway Park on the 21st.

Group kayaking photo by Phyllis Cady.

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