Our self-directed birding site for the month of March is Kiwanis Park in Port Charlotte, which is now called Larry Taylor Kiwanis Park. The park’s physical address is 501 Donora Street. It is located between Rt. 41 and Edgewater Dr. on Midway Blvd. There are restrooms next to the parking lot.
Please explore between Friday, March 12 and Friday, March 19th and then forward your bird lists you saw to us at crob80517 @aol.com by Wednesday, March 24th.
This well-established, compact park provides a wide range of viewing opportunities. There is a small lake with a bridge to view ducks, wading birds, and reptiles. Several level paths go through mature woodlands. There are some elevated walkways over marsh areas. Don’t overlook the parking lot as a great starting site. Look up for warblers and other songbirds, as well as raptors. Also, barred owls make their home here.
Wishing you a successful week of birding at Kiwanis Park.
Ron and Char Robinson Crob80517@aol.com