On Saturday November 10, 2018, Peace River Audubon Society invites you to a bird walk at two preserves.
Caloosahatchee Creeks Preserve East, 10130 Bayshore Rd, North Fort Myers, FL 33917. (Entrance across the street from the sign for ECHO Global Farm). Meet there at 8 a.m.
We will enjoy a 1.5-mile boardwalk that meanders through wetland, hammock, and pine flatwood ecosystems, and then if the trails are dry, we will wander back to the parking lot on a maintained trail through the flatwoods, ferns etc. We should see mostly woodland birds – warblers, woodpeckers (including Red-headed), hawks etc.
After our walk, we can have a quick break/lunch to tally what we saw and then head to Powell Creek. Caloosahatchee Creeks Preserve has paved parking, picnic pavilions and a restroom.
Next a visit to Powell Creek Preserve, 15601 Hart Rd, North Fort Myers, FL 33917
Powell Creek Preserve offers a diverse variety of natural communities for visitors to enjoy, including flatwoods, mesic hammock and Powell Creek. Old-growth pine, buttonbush and Carolina willow can be observed, as well as dwarf live oak, netted paw-paw and October flower.
The approximately 1-mile elevated berm trail at this 77-acre preserve is shell, and easy to walk on, but very little shade, so bring a hat.
Surrounded by residential communities on two sides, this preserve is home to a variety of bird and animal species, including warblers, pileated woodpeckers, rabbits and gopher tortoises. We should also see “water” birds here, which we won’t see at Caloosahatchee. Herons, Egrets, hopefully the Wood Ducks, wading birds etc.
All are welcome and binoculars are available if needed.
Info: Barney Bontecou 203-952-4048