Despite the rainy weather predictions for the Saturday March 19th Field Trip, 16 PRAS members and guests, made the journey to Circle B Bar Ranch in Lakeland. Here we met with Nick Moulton from the Lake Region Audubon Society. Nick had arrived early and spotted a Barred Owl with its owlet in one of the huge oak trees. This sighting was shared with everyone. Those without binoculars had the use of binoculars, provided by the Lake Region Audubon Society, that Nick brought with him.
The weather forecast was for rain starting at 11:00 AM and the weather man was right on. Promptly at 11, it started! Taking advantage of the limited time of nice weather, Nick took us to the best spots to see birds in breeding plumage, nesting and with young.
The two hours of intense birding produced the sighting of 44 species. The notables being Bald Eagles and eaglet on nest, a group of 4 Purple Gallinules, a Black-necked Stilt, several Limpkins (with one on a nest), migrating warblers, many wading birds and a Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
A special thanks to Nick for providing us with a very memorable birding experience.
Trip report by Bob Winter.
Photography by Joan Winter.

Barred Owl spotted early by Nick Moulton from the Lake Region Audubon Society.

Barred Owlet

Glossy Ibis

Barred Owl sighting.